Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider what great things he hath done for you.
I Samuel 12:24

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kindergarten is Finally DONE!!!!

Last Wednesday was our last day of school for Julia. I feel a sense of accomplishment completing my first year of homeschooling. We decided to celebrate her Kinder graduation, by going to Disneyland. Ok, well we do try to find reasons to use our season pass as much as we can. We just found out,  since Brian is disabled through the military, we can get into any state or federal park free. So we are planning on lots of camping trips in the coming months :)

Jelena is 3 months now, and is growing so fast. She reminds me so much of Ju when she was that age. I am just hoping she starts sleeping through the night soon. I am going to try her on bananas this week. She really is a sweet baby, and I feel so bless to have her in our life~

Coalinga Hills
In the far back is where Brian works

Pistachio Trees on the outskirts of Clga
J & J at Lylla's Birthday Party

Lena 3 months

Enjoying the new cars land

Fighting the crowds for the 24 hr kick-off Summer Bash

 Sad Joy
 Happy Joy
My bugs
Joy trying to cut her food~

 Brian pushing Joy and Minnie
Little Lena


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your Kindergarten graduation!!! Way to go!
