Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider what great things he hath done for you.
I Samuel 12:24

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring Time

I was not able to write last week, because I don't know where it went? Brian has been off for almost a month now, and will return to work on Monday. It was so nice to have him home, but made my routine hard to follow. Jelena had her 2 month check-up, and double her birth weight to 12.8lbs. I have been trying to finish Kindergarten, but probably won't be done until first week of June. I am sure Julia is ready for a summer break, as well as Mom! Well here is what's been going on~

Last two weeks Pics:

Lena's 1st Smile 7 weeks!
 Train Progress for the last 2 weeks~

 ready 4 church
 we got another thumb sucker!
 Lena is starting to do the woooing talking
 Getting ready for growing season
We suprised the girls with a swing set!
Gotta love Amazon overnight shipping!

Tomato Garden
 Herb Garden
He is going to be 10 yrs old in July!
Nothing like a good old dog~
I just love her smile!
Joy got upgraded to a booster seat!
 Ok, people keep asking what are my girls room colors.
We found out awhile ago that small rooms do better with no toys
allow in it!
I guess this is the closest theme I have
is praying children!

Pet trial # 2
Mrs. Speedy ran away
Now meet Julianna!
Yes Julia finally named something after her

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