Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider what great things he hath done for you.
I Samuel 12:24

Saturday, July 6, 2013


It was so nice to celebrate the 4th of July at Disneyland this year. We went on Tuesday, and came home on Friday. Disneyland had decorated the park with flags and banners throughout the park. On the 4th, they had the Marine marching band, march throughout the park playing patriotic music.  Disneyland had the speakers playing, Yankee doodle, High flying flag, and best of all God Bless America. It was so nice to finally see somewhere that wasn't doing the "politically correct" thing. The girls really did enjoy the shows and fireworks. Like always, its still feels good to come home.....
On that note- We are finally moving into  a new home. We put a offer on another home and it was accepted. I was very heart broken about the other one, but the God makes no mistakes. This house was built in 2006, so nothing is going to have to be replaced for a long time. I am also going to have my own designated homeschooling room. This was a major criteria in looking for a home. Lord willing we will be moving in August 1st. I am floating my interest rate now, and hoping it drops around 3% to lock it in. We shall see...
Weekly Pics:

 This is truly how the pics usually look!
Lena is rolling over on her belly, and
starting to work that head upwards
Great deals at Kmart
They clearance the summer stuff out
Pink sandals- 4.00
Flower sandals- 1.29
Gotta love Joy
Jelena's 1st feeding
Brian feeding Lena "Hands Free"
Ju waiting in line for a Cupcake!
Joy rather have a sucker
Joy's 1st time swimming
Jelena's 1st time swimming
Joy was jumping in the pool fearless!
Very Scary!!!!
Julia acts like it was her 1st time
She kept saying "I am going to drown... "I would say
"Just stand up then!"
As you can see she wouldn't put her head under the water
Too sunny for Lena
 * We are not big water people, so the whole experience lasted about 20 minutes~
Maybe we will try again next year!
Jelena loves to eat her feet

Joy waiting for Daddy and Julia to get off the ride

Our Ice Cream Sunday!
It was one of the best I have ever had!

Too funny she looks like she is 1!
Jelena will be 5 months on the 13th.